Saturday, 17 June 2023 was a fine day, weather-wise, and as usual thousands of people gathered in the centre of Scalby to enjoy the annual Scalby Fair day.
Our grateful thanks go to the many exhibitors who took stalls and created other displays, to our entertainers who kept so many of us amused during the afternoon, and the various food and drink establishments in the village who made sure everyone was well fed and watered.
And, of course, to all our visitors, young and old, from near and far, who made such a special atmosphere during the day. Thank you, too, for contributing to our fund raising to help get us ready for a bigger and better Fair next year.
It was a grand day out!
See you next year for Scalby Fair 2024.
Please see below for a short gallery of photographs from the day due to our official photographer coming a cropper and retiring to the first aid station for treatment.
Click on any photo to enlarge full screen and view as a slide-show.

All photos on this page taken by Scalby Fair Chairman and Official Photographer, Mike Shingler (except the one below, by John Armistead).

See how the Scarborough News reported on Scalby Fair Day.