Scalby Fair Day 2024 is fast approaching and, as usual, we have been working hard to ensure a week of fun and community for all the family. Keep watch on this page for more information about the Fair week – including some exciting new ventures -and also entry forms for events which include a Ceilidh and the Barons Run. Wine Tasting, a Beer Festival and the popular Soul Rida gig will all take place at the Nag’s Head in the middle of Scalby Village. Much more exciting information will be coming up over the next weeks so check the Scalby Fair website regularly.
Did You Miss The Fun? There’s Always Next Year.
Thank you so much to all of our participants. If you missed it this year, you can always join us on Easter Monday next year.
ERIC THE GOAT COMPLETED PART OF THE WALK! I wonder if he’ll be back next year?
Thank You To All Our Intrepid Walkers!
Despite the start of the walk being under a deluge of rain, nearly 200 walkers and more than 30 of their canine friends gathered outside The Plough on Scalby High Street for the Annual Scalby Fair Easter Monday Charity Walk. Families, serious walkers and people in all sorts of amazing fancy dress joined us. We have raised a considerable sum for the benefit of Newby and Scalby Library and Scarborough Mates (details when all the sums have been done) and had a really good time, culminating in a prize giving ceremony in The Plough.
As well as the walkers themselves a small army of volunteer Marshalls (in the pubs and on the road) and administrators made this event possible and our thanks go out to them. Also a huge thank you to our organiser, Michael Whitely who took overall responsibility for all the organisation of the event – a huge task- and was Master of Ceremonies on the day. The fact that everything ran so smoothly is due to all of his hard work. Thanks, too, to the walk committee who supported him so ably
It’s No April Fool! Join the Fun
If you haven’t registered online for the Scalby Fair Charity Walk 2024 in advance you may do so in person from 8:45 on Monday 1st April. Registration will be at The Plough on Scalby High Street. Looking forward to seeing you all there! If you just want to come and watch our intrepid walkers set off you are very welcome to.
Online booking for the Annual Easter Monday Scalby Fair Charity Walk closes at 9pm tonight (Saturday). But DON’T DESPAIR. If you haven’t signed up online you will be able to register before the walk leaves on Monday April 1st from The Plough on Scalby High Street. Côme and join loads of others to have a great time and support two really worthwhile charities.