The stalls at Scalby Fair are always very popular with fairgoers and the Stallholders themselves who appreciate the Fair’s atmosphere and meeting so many people who are interested in what they do.

If you would like to book a stall at Scalby Fair on Saturday, 21 June 2025, booking is now open. Please read the Booking Conditions and fill in the form below.
Scalby Fair Stall Booking Prices 2025:
Scalby Fair Single 6ft x 2ft (183cm x 61cm) rigid stall: £21.00
Scalby Fair Double 12ft x 2ft (366cm x 61cm) rigid stall : £42.00Electric Hook Up (13 Amp): £5.00 – Sorry, Sold OutScalby Fair Gazebo 3m x 3m and 1 table (1.8m x 0.76m): £46.00 – Sorry, Sold OutScalby Fair Gazebo 3m x 3m and 2 tables (2 x 1.8m x 0.76m): £48.00 – Sorry, Sold outYour own stalls, gazebos or mobiles: £42.00 – Sorry, Sold OutFood truck- £105.00 – Sorry, Now Sold Out
Food Concession: £105.00
NB you cannot book a Food Concession online using the form below. A different booking form is available. Please contact the Stalls Organiser, Tom Gillon, for further information.
Payment for our stalls must be made with your application.
If it is necessary to cancel, this must be done no later than 7 days before the Scalby Fair Day otherwise your payment becomes forfeit.
The allocation of the stalls will be decided by the Scalby Fair Committee and will not be subject to alteration.
Please state exactly the type of your stall; this is important, as the numbers of certain types are limited (eg food concessions). Tombolas are not permitted.
Each unit is covered and we hope that you choose to join in with the fun of the Fair by temporarily decorating it in line with the current year’s theme, which will be “Superheroes”.
Set up: drop off must be completed by 11:00am for the street closure. Vehicles must be removed from the street closure area by 11:00am. There will be no vehicular access (emergency services excepted) between 11:00am – 4:30pm. Trading is from noon onwards.
Access will be given for de-rig after 4:30pm.
Parking: on-street parking is available in the surrounding area, there is a modest car park at the Church Rooms and Scalby Community Hall. Limited disabled parking for stall holders is available. This must be booked in advance, please contact Tom Gillon.
Your stall must not contravene the Lotteries and Amusements Act 1975.
Scalby Fair will not be responsible for any injury or damage caused by any unauthorised interference with the stall.
Location: stall locations are on High Street (between the Nag’s Head and St Laurence’s Church) and South Street. On the morning of the Fair your stall will be marked with your name on. Please see the Fair Steward at the North Street entry point.
Rubbish: you are responsible for disposal of your litter in the bins provided. Trade waste must be taken away with you.
Pitches: all pitches are outside on grass or tarmac. Your own stalls and/or gazebos must be properly weighted down.
Generators: only silent generators are acceptable and with the necessary H&S precautions (an appropriate fire extinguisher, use of safety guard and warning signage) and should be included in a risk assessment.
Alcohol: please obtain the necessary temporary events notice from North Yorkshire Council and send a copy to the Stalls Organiser (Tom Gillon).
Payment can be made online using the form below or by cheque. Please contact Tom Gillon, Stalls Organiser, if you wish to book and pay by cheque or to arrange a Food Concession.